суббота, 12 декабря 2015 г.

Tkvarcheli - the city at the mercy of nature

We offer a look at the ghost town of Abkhazia Tkvarcheli (Tkuarchal), which was founded in 1942 as an industrial center of Abkhazia, but is almost completely deserted because of the war in 1992 - 1993 and subsequent economic sanctions. Together with the surrounding villages Akarmara, jantuh and fields city's population reached 40 000 people, but now it seems to be completely deserted.

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2015 г.

Oresund Bridge - a unique structure, which has no analogues in the world. It connects Denmark and Sweden and is the bridge turns into an underwater tunnel that allows you to continuously and smoothly pass the courts.

The most expensive chemical element (200 ths. USD) osmium isotope 187Os. In the periodic table it has the number 76, this is the most dense substance in the world (platinum group metals).

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

Astronomers first observed as a black hole swallows the star and "spits" remnants into space

He and other processes of individual scientists have ever seen. There are examples and falling stars in the big black hole, relativistic jets and powerful substances that are emitted from them away. But now they recorded together for the first time and almost simultaneously.

"These events - a rarity - says one of the authors of discoveries, astronomer Sort Van Welz (Sjoert van Velzen) of Johns Hopkins University. - We first saw everything - from the destruction of a star and to start a conical jet, everything that happened within a few months. "

Events for which scientists have followed in December 2014, unfolded at 300 million light years from Earth. Unhappy star in size was similar to our Sun, but a black hole, although of the supermassive located in the active centers of large galaxies, as their standards are not so high and considerably easier to "our", located in the center of the Milky Way.

After receiving information about the first observation of the meeting made by ground-based optical telescopes, Van Welz colleagues sent them an arsenal of tools, waiting for the next event. And just in time: soon nascent relativistic jet images were obtained in X-ray and radio wavelengths, as well as in the visible range.

Such plasma jet escaping from the centers of active galaxies in just one or two opposite sides, remains one of the most spectacular and obscure phenomena of space. The speed of the plasma in these approaches the light, and a red-hot, it begins to emit intense radiation over a broad spectrum of wavelengths. However, the mechanism of origin of such emissions is still unclear - likely to give birth to their complex interactions of magnetic fields from accreting into the black hole matter. Perhaps the new observations of this impressive phenomenon will give way for a more precise hypotheses.

вторник, 17 ноября 2015 г.

Researchers reveal mystery of the origin of water on Earth

Water covers more than two-thirds of the surface of planet Earth, but its exact origin still remained a mystery. Scientists have for a long time could not figure out whether water was present on the planet during its formation or the water arrived to our planet later, possibly together with comets or meteorites.

Currently, researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa using a modern method of analysis, called an ion microprobe, found that the stones from the Baffin Island, located in Canada, shall indicate that the water is present on our planet since the time of its formation.

The method of ion microprobe allowed researchers led by Dr. Lydia Hallis from NASA Astrobiology Institute of the University of Hawaii to study tiny inclusions of glass in these stones and find within these inclusions even more tiny amounts of water. Defined for this water ratio of hydrogen to deuterium, scientists were able to pinpoint that the water has a terrestrial origin. The hydrogen / deuterium varies with the different water bodies in the solar system, so the definition of this relationship allows to determine with certainty the origin of the samples of water.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

Cosmos atrosanguineus - a flower that smells like chocolate

These fabulous creatures have a unique vision and are able to move with incredible speed. Being active hunters, they can see better than the complicated military image processing software, and can strike the victim with the power of 22-caliber bullets.